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4 min readAug 7, 2020


The theory of evolution is, after all, still a controversial theory, however, in many places it is still being proclaimed as a truth, and students are not allowed to question or argue about it. . However, if you can really argue, people will find this theory has too many loopholes.
This is the 4th article in the subject of the Crisis entitled the theory of evolution

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1. The Law of Biogenesis by Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur (December 27, 1822 — September 28, 1895), a famous French scientist, a pioneer in the field of microbiology, declared: Life must originate from life itself. Simply put, children must have parents. A conscious being, even the smallest, simplest cell, cannot be produced from the random combination of unconscious chemical atoms. This is a law that has been experimentally proven by Pasteur, called Biogenesis’ Law.

Up to now, the question of how the origin of life originated remains an unanswered question to mainstream science. For Darwin to be right, the Law of Creation — one of the most fundamental and solid laws of biology — must be wrong. After the undisputed experiment, Pasteur explicitly stated:

“The spontaneous generation will never be able to recover from the heavenly punch of this simple experiment. No, there is no known case of that can confirm that microorganisms can be present without the germs, without a parent like them. ”

2. Nuclear cells did not evolve to eukaryotic cells through mutations
Pronuclear cells do not evolve to eukaryotic cells through mutation, but through symbiosis. The fact that single-celled bacteria evolve into larger cells and make them a hundred times more complex is a completely vacant story in the theory of evolution.

Prokaryotic cells are actually more complex than Darwin’s imagined.

“It is true eukaryotic cells are the most complex cells we know of. But the simplest life forms we know of, the prokaryotic cells, are also extremely complex themselves. If the standard core is a laptop, then the kernel is also a cell phone. There is no evidence to suggest that there are simpler life forms from which protozoa evolved. “ — Jonatthan Wells (biologist) and William Dembski (mathematician)

For example, how complex are the mitochondria in a cell? In addition to the network of ATP machines, inside the mitochondria there are many other systems of machines:

3. The explosion of life in the Cambrian period
It was the sudden emergence of most major animal branches about 530 million years ago as fossil archives proved. Before that, most creatures were just simple individuals. Within 70–80 million years the speed of evolution has increased at an amazingly mysterious speed. It was Darwin who noted in his book The Origins of Species that the abrupt appearance of arthropods in fossil records during the Cambrian period raised a dilemma for the theory of evolution. (Darwinism said that evolution took place little by little and over a long period of time, but the explosion of life in the Cambrian period was in stark contrast to Darwin’s imagination. PVHg)

4. There are no intermediate links
“The number of intermediate forms, which must have existed on earth, must have been enormous. Yet why can’t these intermediate connections be found in the strata? This is probably the most obvious and powerful objection that can be made against my hypothesis. ” — Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species

“Every paleontologist knows that fossil archives contain very few intermediate forms of organisms; the transition between major groups could be said to have happened suddenly. “ — Stephen J. Gould, professor at Harvard University.

5. The fixation, immutability, of the organism.
“The stasis of most species of fossil throughout its long existence as seen in geology is evident by all paleontologists, but most as has never been studied in detail because the prevailing [evolutionary] hypothesis sees it as an uninteresting anti-proof. The overwhelming popularity of fixedness in fossil remains has become an embarrassing feature, but has been neglected as nothing. “ — Stephen J. Gould

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